Are We There Yet?


“Are We There Yet?/Yes, We Are Here” are two zines in a series. These zines follow four people and explore the art of waiting. The first issue captures a moment of present waiting—how they feel, what they expect, and why they think they wait for what they desire. The second issue checks in on the four interviewees to see if they finished waiting and what their initial interview became reflective of their current reality.



How Did We Get Here?

Can We Look Closer?

My zine practice usually involves interviewees as a way to look externally into the world of others. Through the process of interviewing, I found the challenges approaching the concept of waiting became more clear. This work doesn’t encapsulate the current dilemma of how much time we waste waiting. It does, however, reveal the shared humanity of the four interviewees who wait for four different things.

– four people ages 18-27
– thirty-minutes to one hour
– took over the course of one month

– drawn in Procreate with a textured pencil brush
– the color palette is inspired by color pencil sets

– one Japanese screw punch, lots of waxed thread, and 390 pages
– all pages were trimmed down with an electric guillotine
– pages were grouped in 2-3 pages and hole punched
– handbound them together with a Japanese stitching technique